Let's Talk One on One!

In this VIP option, you'll have four one-on-one 30-minute sessions with me (in addition to the standard workshop) where we can discuss the materials, exercises, and/or how you are feeling about the week! You can ask me questions, share your wins, challenges, or we can just talk about how perfect dogs are and why cake is better than pie.

The workshop is closed, but you can still book individual coaching with me or try the self-paced course!

The Everybody Is a Babe Workshop is a 4-week course where we examine the mechanisms that create & perpetuate body shame and work to develop tools to counter those harmful narratives with thoughtful exercises, group activities, readings, and guest seminars.

How often do we hear the phrase "just love your body!" as if it's something as simple as switching on a light?

If it were that easy, wouldn't we have done it already?
Is it possible to love your body unconditionally in a world that's designed to make you hate it?
What does unconditional self love look actually look like?
Is there a world outside of diet culture?

You deserve to wake up every morning, say you're an absolute babe, and believe it.

I've spent a decade on my body positive journey– from debilitating self hatred to fat liberation and radical self love, and though not all paths are linear or similar, I wake up every day from the other side of body shame, and it has been life changing– The joy! The freedom!

I want to share with you what I've learned from my own experience as a fat person in the public eye, as well as readings, excerpts, and studies from the work of activists and scholars that profoundly affected me and my body positive journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the self-paced discount code for the VIP coaching?

Not at this time!

If I sign up for the VIP option, do I still need to buy the standard workshop?

Nope! The VIP option includes the standard workshop,

How do I schedule my sessions?

After enrolling, you'll receive a private link to a calendar and select four session times. You can pick weekly sessions, or book a sessions spread out through the year-- totally up to you. You will also be sent a link for a liability waiver.

When does the workshop meet and what do I need to join?

This is a virtual workshop that meets twice a week for synchronous classes on Zoom. You will need a notebook or somewhere to record your thoughts and participate in the exercises.

I also recommend that you have someone in your support system (a therapist, close friend, partner) that can help you decompress or further process some things that may come up for you during this work. Often when excavating our personal relationships with diet culture, we realize the pain goes beyond cultural or social-- issues with food or body image may be a component of the pain we have, but often the real shit is rooted in the stories we've been taught by those closest to us.

Will you offer this workshop again?

The workshop is on indefinite hiatus, but check out the self-paced course or book individual coaching with me!

What is the refund policy?

If you change your mind before the first class or our first session, you will be refunded in full. If you are unhappy with the workshop after the first class, you are welcome to withdraw and will be given a 50% refund.
Individual coaching will be refunded according to how many sessions are remaining.

Are there scholarships available?

I do not offer scholarships for one-on-one coaching, but scholarships for the standard workshop are available! I accept applications on a rolling basis, so there are quite a few applicants from previous cycles, but if you need financial help, please reach out and I will do everything I can to help. Doing this work shouldn't be prohibitively expensive, so I have tried to price the workshop fairly. If you're able to pay 50%, please let me know in your application, it would be much appreciated. Though scholarships are awarded to many different kinds of people, preference is given to BIPOC, trans and non-binary folks, people in bigger bodies, and people with disabilities. Please fill out this questionnaire to apply.

Is this the same workshop that was previously offered?

Yes, this is the same workshop. If you attended previous workshops, you have a lifetime membership to the babedom and you are welcome to participate as many times as you'd like.

Is this only for fat people? Or women?

Not at all. Body shame lives in people of all shapes, sizes, genders, and ages. While the workshop does have a focus on marginalized bodies and primarily centers fat experiences, I find that examining and working to dismantle our internalized anti-fat bias is something that benefits our collective liberation. Regardless of our own size, we are conditioned to see larger bodies as a moral failure and to fear fatness—usually under the guise of beauty, desirability, and "health". Those fears and anxieties lead to body shame, body dysmorphia, and disordered eating for people of all sizes.

I have found that using my own personal lens of being a bipolar, queer, fat woman is the most helpful way for me to facilitate this work. If you are somebody, you are a babe! And you deserve to feel radical self love!

Do I have to attend the classes or discussions?

If you can make it, you totally should. Discussion days are community oriented, and most folks say the group hangs are the best part! But if you can't or if Zoom freaks you out, that's 100% OK. You'll still have access to the educational videos, materials and the Facebook group.

Are you a medical professional?

Nope! I am a singer/songwriter/poet who is also a fat person! I have done years of research for my own growth and body healing journey (and book!), and I am constantly asked "what worked for you?" This workshop is meant to be an answer to that question. I intend these 8 weeks to be a collaborative experience for you; to introduce concepts and texts from actual professionals while you build community with other folks who are on a similar journey. Consider me your cheesecloth for body positive concepts, exercises, and books. This workshop is intended to be educational–NOT to treat physical or mental illness. Please consult a licensed service provider if you need help.

If you are battling an active eating disorder, are in recent recovery, or feel that participating in discussions about food, exercise, or body shame may disrupt your healing rather than help, please consult with your recovery team before enrolling.

What principles are you going to cover?

This workshop is strongly anti-diet. With very rare exceptions, I believe intentional weight loss is incredibly damaging and is essentially a prescription for disordered eating. I believe in creating a new approach to health where weight is a neutral component. You are more than welcome in this space even if you are pursuing weight loss or thinking about pursuing weight loss—in fact, I highly recommend this workshop to evaluate if intentional weight loss is truly serving your long-term goals. While openness & vulnerability in this group is foundational, openly discussing active weight loss pursuits is antithetical to this work.

In this workshop, we examine the current systemic and cultural treatment of marginalized bodies, the historical treatment of marginalized bodies, how weight stigma affects opportunities and access for fat people, how fatness is a mechanism of white supremacy, how capitalism plays a key role in body shame, how intersectionality is essential to this work, and how we might imagine a new world for all marginalized bodies. We begin with an external lens initially, because it’s important to see how oppressive systems manipulate us to be consumed with our own perceived failure–ultimately, none of us should need a workshop like this, and yet, so many of us do. That alone should be a red flag that the systems we are subjected to are not working!

The second half of the workshop is devoted to self-work, reflection, and to introduce new ways of thinking about food, movement, and our own behaviors. I will be using the principles of HAES, intuitive eating, joyful movement, mindfulness, meditation, and CBT to guide us through the Great Unlearning!

What if I have don't have any negative body issues?


This workshop is geared more toward folks who will be learning new tools, rather than seasoned self love pros, but sometimes a refresher can be helpful!

Is this workshop good for teenagers?

I would have loved to attend this workshop when I was in high school; it might have saved me from some really harmful behaviors.

We have had a few parents actually enroll with their teens which I find is often the ideal situation, because the anti-diet language and approach is still considered fairly radical, and teens struggling with body image need all the support they can get. Caveats: I swear a fair amount, and there are a few exercises/resources that include nudity and discuss some adult topics. During discussion days, participants do talk in their own groups unmoderated. Additionally, the facebook group is not heavily monitored either, and adult topics may occasionally pop up.
These things are easy to opt out of, but it's best if you give me or my workshop coordinator a heads up that you/your teen is under 18.